Developing an annual maintenance Plan
I scanned in this article from Cleaning & Maintenance Management from the June 2015 issue thinking it might be helpful to building maintenance management personnel. This aissts someone in developing a maintenance plan to cover the items that regular maintenance will not keep clean. For instance, VCT strip and finishing, annual carpet cleaning, high dusting […]
5 Questions to Ask When Looking for a Carpet Cleaning Company
What? The “Professional” Carpet Cleaner voided my carpet warranty? (I should have checked!) I recently read an article about a woman distraught over the failure of her new car. The engine had seized up, but fortunately still within her warranty period. A phone call to the dealer and her car was towed in for engine […]
For the Love of Cotton
You may not know this, but cotton is the most popular fiber in the world. Why? Because it’s durable, easily dyed, absorbent, soft and comfortable to touch. These characteristics make it the fabric of choice for clothing, towels, bedding and more. We’re not the first people to recognize the virtues of this versatile fiber. Cotton […]
Internet Tidbit & App of the Month
Making a Clean Break
There is never a better time to give your belongings a good going-over than when you are moving. Packing and unpacking can be a big hassle, but this process is a perfect opportunity to get rid of the clutter and unwanted items in your life. So, the first step when getting ready to pack should […]
Choosing a Great Pet Bed
Most pets enjoy having their own bed. If you are deciding on a bed for your dog or cat, be sure to choose one that will provide warmth, support and a sense of security. What makes a pet bed great? Keep these tips in mind when shopping.
Boosting Your Brain Function with Exercise
Brain function can diminish as we age. A report released by the Institute of Medicine suggests that maintaining physical activity can help preserve memory and attention as we get older. Studies show that people who are physically active are less likely to experience a decline in their mental abilities. They also show a lowered risk […]
Classic Macaroni Salad
Ingredients: 4 cups uncooked elbow macaroni 1 cup mayonnaise 1/4 cup distilled white vinegar 2/3 cup white sugar 2 1/2 tablespoons prepared yellow mustard 1 1/2 teaspoons salt 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper 1 large onion, chopped 2 stalks celery, chopped 1 green bell pepper, seeded and chopped 1/4 cup grated carrot (optional) 2 tablespoons […]
Tips & Tidbits
Internet Tidbit: Calendly Have you ever had to play phone or email tag over and over trying to get a meeting set up? Next time you need to schedule something with someone, use Calendly instead. All you have to do is connect your Google Calendar to the site, and Calendly will know your availability. It […]
Firework Viewing Safety
The National Council of Fireworks Safety recommends public fireworks displays as a safe alternative to using fireworks yourself. Although you are not handling and lighting the fireworks, there are some safety precautions you should take when attending a public display. Spectators should obey all show personnel and respect all safety barriers set up in the […]