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The term “Dry January” has been growing in popularity in recent years. Going “dry” is a trend that encourages its participants to abstain from alcohol for the month of January. Well known in the UK, there are two main benefits for participating.

The first benefit is to save a little extra money after the holidays. Every time you find yourself going to buy a bottle of wine or enjoying a cocktail, save the money instead. If your wallet didn’t feel the holiday pinch, you could donate all the savings to your favorite charity. If you don’t regularly partake in alcohol, you could substitute for your favorite coffee.

The second benefit is to detox your system after some holiday overindulgence. Many people already feel inspired to hit the gym and eat healthier this time of year. Abstaining from alcohol for the month can also provide positive returns on your health such as more energy and better sleep.

Article provided by Bluegreen Carpet & Tile Cleaning in Menomonee Falls

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