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Start the new year off by recommitting to an organized household to keep your family’s chaos contained. These small changes can help you get organized and stay that way.

Embrace routines. The idea of spending large chunks of time organizing, and tidying can be overwhelming. However, making time to clean as you go through the day can help control clutter and keep the time commitment more manageable. Commit to cleaning up the kitchen after dinner each night. Clean up bedrooms before bed. Before long, routines become productive habits that make a visible difference.

Purge the excess. Nearly everyone collects too much stuff, and clutter is often more an indication of too much volume and not poor organization.

Be mindful about use. When you’re on a mission to eliminate clutter, it can be tempting to go overboard. Be realistic about where you store the things you need and err on the side of keeping the things you use regularly within reach.

Article provided by Bluegreen Carpet & Tile Cleaning in Elm Grove

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