Your Location: Milwaukee (414) 944-0859

Home Allergy Treatment

There are over 70 million Americans who suffer from allergies, asthma, sinusitis and other allergic illnesses. If you or someone in your family are one of these people, you know how miserable it can feel.

Dust mites and allergens from pets found in your home are the leading causes of allergic illnesses. Mild allergies can sometimes develop into these chronic illnesses with continual exposure to these types of allergens. So how can you combat allergies for your family?

Bluegreen has a revolutionary cleaning and treatment process that can reduce the pet and dust mite allergen levels by more than 90%! 

Is Cleaning Enough?

If your family suffers with allergies, you probably keep your home spotless and do your best to remove dust and pet hair. Dust mites are almost impossible to eliminate. When someone is allergic to a pet, a doctor’s number one recommendation is to move the beloved pet out of the home. Most of us cannot bear to part with a pet as it has become part of the family. So, what’s the answer?

Home Allergy Cleaning

The Bluegreen system is to use special cleaning solutions followed by Anti-Allergen Treatment on carpet, rugs, upholstery and mattresses. The treatment alters the allergen proteins, making them unrecognizable to the human body. The alteration thwarts the allergic reaction. The results can be noticed within the first three days and sometimes the first night. Typically the Anti-Allergen Treatment lasts for six months, but with severe allergies the treatment may need to be applied every three months.

Are the Products Save?

The Anti-Allergen Treatment is hypoallergenic, non-toxic, free of dyes, perfumes, volatile organic compounds (VOC), phosphates, and other hazardous materials. It is formulated as biodegradable and environmentally safe.  The treatment is approved for indoor use for anyone with allergic illnesses and chemical sensitivities.

Let’s Talk

Call today to find out how Bluegreen can help your family!

Milwaukee  |  414.944.0859
Madison      |  608.257.2990