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Carpet Cleaning…How Often is Enough?

One of the most common questions we are asked is, “How often should I get my carpets cleaned?” It’s a reasonable question. After all, carpet cleaning can be a bit of a disruption in your daily routine. Then there is the expense of professional cleaning. It makes sense not to get your carpets cleaned any […]

So What’s the Big Deal About Pet Urine?

Animal urine is a rather benign substance. When it leaves a healthy animal it is sterile. In small amounts and low concentration, the odor and appearance may be undetectable. Still, any urine deposit on carpet should be treated appropriately. If you are lucky enough to catch the animal in the act, you can pour salt […]

How to Make Cleaning as Easy as “Pie”

We have all sorts of materials in our homes. Wood, glass, tile, metal, carpet, fabrics, stone, plastics and more. They all have one thing in common. Sooner or later, they all need to be cleaned. Fortunately, even with so many materials, there are only four basic principles you need to know in order to clean […]

What Causes “New Carpet Smell” and Is It Harmful?

There’s nothing like the smell of new carpet. But have you ever wondered what causes that unique odor? Is it formaldehyde or some other toxic chemical? Is there cause for concern? Smell is the most primitive of the five senses. The fragrances of food enhance our sense of taste. Pleasant scents create a feeling of […]

What Causes Those Mysterious Dark Lines?

You may have noticed it in your own home, or the home of a neighbor or friend– dark, dirty-looking lines in the carpet around the baseboards, under doors and on stairs. What is it? Can it be removed? Will it come back? The dark greyish or black discolorations that occur in carpet around the perimeter […]

Why do We Clean in Spring?

Have you ever wondered why we are annually seized by a sudden urge to air out the house, banish dust, organize closets, clean out cabinets, scrub floors, wash windows and organize our garages, attics and basements? It turns out there are biological, social and psychological reasons for the spring cleaning ritual… and that’s a good […]

How do Carpet and Fabric Protectors Work?

You see it on television and internet commercials all the time, a glass of wine or fruit punch being spilled on a beautiful, new carpet. The guests are mortified, but the smiling hostess blots up the spill with a towel, leaving the carpet clean and spot-free. Disaster averted, the party continues. But is this really […]

Clean Carpets in Winter? Really?

This is the time of the year when you may wonder if it makes sense to get your carpets cleaned. Great question! But first, let’s think about this logically. Does it make sense to clean your wood or tile floors in the winter? Does it make sense to clean your bed linens in winter? So […]

Why Do Spots Come Back?

Naturally you expect your carpets to look better after cleaning than before. So it may come as a surprise when some of the spots return. There are two reasons this can happen: re-soiling from various residues and soil-wicking. Re-soiling Re-soiling is the result of new soil that is attracted to an oily or sticky residue […]

Do You Breathe Easy at Home?

How to Control Indoor Air Pollution Pollution. We use the word to describe harmful or poisonous substances introduced into an environment. Water pollution, ground pollution, noise pollution, and air pollution are examples we most commonly relate to the outdoor environment. So it may surprise you to find that the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) […]