Your Location: Milwaukee (414) 944-0859

Emergency Preparedness Month

Create an emergency preparedness kit with these items:

  • Three day supply of water and food per person (and pet)
  • Clothes and shoes
  • Sleeping bags or blankets
  • Plastic sheeting and duct tape
  • Insurance policies, identification and bank account records in a waterproof container
  • Flashlights
  • Battery operated radio
  • Cell phone with extra batteries
  • Matches in a waterproof container
  • Three day supply of medication • Travelers checks, cash and change
  • Pencil and paper
  • Personal hygiene items and feminine supplies
  • If you have a baby, don’t forget disposable diapers and wipes.
  • For children, include books, games and puzzles.


Getting ready for a disaster or emergency sounds like a lot of work. But if one occurs, you’ll be glad you put your time and money into the project.

Article provided by Bluegreen Carpet & Tile Cleaning in Elm Grove

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