Your Location: Milwaukee (414) 944-0859

Green Carpet Cleaning

We believe in keeping the home and environment pure and clean making it safe for your pets, children, and those sensitive to toxins.  The carpeted areas of your home are places of rest, refreshment, and relaxation.  Your children and pets spend a majority of their time near the carpet and all of us spend time breathing in the air from the carpets in homes and businesses.

What is GREEN Carpet Cleaning at Bluegreen?

Some cleaning companies call their carpet cleaning package “green” just because they use a cleaning solution that is VOC free. Many harmful chemicals are VOC free, including lead which is extremely poisonous.  So, what is important to know when purchasing a Green Carpet Cleaning package?

The four primary things to consider are cleaning solution, water, contaminate removal process and drying time.  With this in mind, Bluegreen is determined to deliver the most outstanding green cleaning process possible!

Cleaning Solution

Our cleaning solution is applied PRIOR to the rinsing process. We use a VOC free, dye free, perfume free, Carpet and Rug Institute (CRI) approved cleaning solution with the Green Seal of Approval!  This is the best product to use for a green carpet cleaning treatment.  To read the brochure about our green cleaning product, click here.


Since some water used contains chlorine, fluoride and other contaminates, some will be left behind. To solve that problem, we use softened, filtered water in our green carpet cleaning process.  

Contaminate Removal Process

This step is often the most overlooked step in green carpet cleaning.  If cheap, poorly maintained equipment is being used, there is more water and contaminates left behind and the carpet stays wet longer.  Moist carpet breeds bacteria! Bluegreen uses truck mounted extraction equipment to ensure that the contaminates are completely removed. No moist carpets!

Drying Time

Bluegreen technicians groom the carpet AND use powerful air movers.  When the carpet is groomed, it looks great and it lifts the fibers. Grooming combined with the air movers can generally dry the carpet in 1 to 3 hours after we leave. You have more important things to do than wait for carpet to dry!

Providing environmentally safe, quality products is a priority at Bluegreen because we know it is a priority to you.  Call today to experience our clean, safe, green carpet cleaning.


Call us today for a free estimate on having your residential carpets cleaned. We look forward to serving you and bringing significant ease to your life!

Call today to experience our clean, safe, green carpet cleaning!

Milwaukee  |  414.944.0859
Madison      |  608.257.2990