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Causes and Cures for Household Dust

While you are unlikely to run around your house in an apron happily swiping at dust with a quaint feather duster, you probably do have to worry about dust removal. In fact, Americans spend over $10 billion a year on dust removal products. Add in vacuum cleaners, air filters, furnace filters and so forth and […]

It Pays to Clean Gutters in the Spring

Usually you think about your gutters in fall. But plenty of debris can accumulate there in the six months since you last cleaned them. It’s easy to miss leaves from trees that don’t go bare until late fall. They’re probably still up there. Storm-blown sticks aren’t going anywhere by themselves. Many trees drop spring buds […]

Doctors Debate Value of Chemotherapy

The breast cancer trifecta was once indisputable: Surgery, radiation, chemotherapy. This combination has led to great numbers of cancer survivors, but is it all necessary? According to a 2015 paper published in the New England Journal of Medicine, a study of more than 10,000 women found very low rates of cancer recurrence in women who […]

Don’t Retire…Refire!

When Ken Blanchard, author of The One Minute Manager, happened to meet up with his old friend psychologist Morton Shaevitz, they talked about how people approach getting older. Blanchard, 75, said he used the term “refire” to describe the attitude of approaching life with gusto. He and Shaevitz, 79, agreed that refire is a way […]


Put Retirement Before Future College Funding It is more important to securely fund retirement accounts than to save heavily for a child’s college education, according to USA Today. This might sound selfish to those who think preparing their kids for the future is a nobler goal. But, in fact, it is wise. While children can […]