Is it too Soon to Clean my New Carpet?

If you purchased new carpet within the last year or two you may be wondering when the time is to start having it professionally cleaned. Often times a salesperson at the carpet store will tell you to wait as long as possible before you have your new carpet professionally cleaned; that cleaning your carpet will […]
Summer Smoothies

The weather is heating up, and nothing beats a cool drink on a hot summer day. Mixing up a smoothie is a perfect way to cool down. Basically, a smoothie is simply a blended mixture of milk, fruit juices, yogurt, sherbet or sorbet, with fruit and ice added. These recipes can get you started. Once […]
Fun Pool Games

What can be more fun than playing in a cool pool on a hot summer day? Kids will love playing some of these water games this summer! Don’t forget that children need to be supervised in or around water at all times, even if they are good swimmers. Pool Soccer: Use a large beach ball […]
Scoring Last Minute Deals This Summer

Traveling can be expensive, but there are some ways to get deals if you decide to head out of town on the spur of the moment. If you will be staying in a hotel, be sure to always inquire if there are any discounts available. It sometimes can be as simple as just asking. You […]
Making a Clean Break

There is never a better time to give your belongings a good going over than when you are moving. Packing and unpacking can be a big hassle, but this process is a perfect opportunity to get rid of the clutter and unwanted items in your life. The first step when getting ready to pack should […]