School is Never Out for the True Professional Cleaner

As kids return back to school, we are reminded of the importance of a good education. School doesn’t just teach facts and figures. You learn skills that allow you to accomplish many basic tasks. Math, reading, problem-solving and learning to work with others are skills most of us learned in school.
Plant Your Garden this Fall

It is a wonderful sign of spring when flowers planted in the fall begin to finally poke through the soil. The key to having a colorful, early spring garden is to properly plant bulbs in the fall. These types of flowers are called perennials, and they will keep blooming year after year.
How to Easily Lose One Pound a Week

It only takes a reduction of 500 calories a day to allow you to lose one pound a week. You can easily achieve this goal with some simple food substitutions. If you are motivated, you can also add some exercise to your week to make it even easier to lose the weight. Here are some […]
Assistance for Seniors

If you are a senior citizen, or have an elderly loved one, take a moment to review whether you are getting all of the benefits to which you are entitled. Over five million elderly Americans are not taking advantage of benefits provided by state and federal government programs.
Fruit Salsa Recipe

Ingredients:2 mangos, peeled, seeded and chopped2 small peaches, halved, pitted, and cut into 1/2-inch pieces